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Step by Step

"How to Listen to a Podcast on an iphone"


Sure you've heard of podcasts, but you're not exactly sure what they are or how to listen to them. That's okay! We were just like you too.

A podcast is a free audio show that is delivered online. You can listen to individual episodes by streaming them on our website or by downloading them to your phone via a podcast app. You can choose to listen to an episode whenever it's convenient for you.  

We learned that podcasts are great for listening to while you're commuting, working out, cleaning the name it! 

Podcasts can be entertaining, educational, motivating, helpful. Basically whatever you are into there's probably a podcast on the topic, which is pretty cool!


Follow the easy instructions below and you'll be listening to your favorite podcasts in no time! 

1. First, navigate to the Podcast app on your phone. You may have to download it in the App store, don't worry it's free. 

*If you don’t like the Apple Podcasts app interface or just want to try something different, we recommend these podcast apps: Casts, Overcast, or Stitcher. The process will be similar to the steps listed below.


2. Tap the search button that's in the bottom right corner. Type in the name of the Podcast you are looking for and hit search/enter. Ex. The Progress Project


3. If you typed in the correct title, it'll pop right up. Click on it. 


4. You'll want to click on the subscribe button. Don't worry it's free.

If you subscribe you won't have to search for the podcast again. It will then just be in your library and you'll have future episodes automatically downloaded to your device so they are ready to go when you want to listen to another one.

There's nothing better than going to your library and seeing that your favorite podcast has a new episode for you to listen to! 


5. Scroll down and tap the plus sign or cloud with an arrow to download any episodes you want to listen to now. You can also tap on the episode to read the episode description and listen by streaming rather than downloading.


6. On this app the episode will automatically be deleted once you finish listening, so if you want to keep the download to listen again later, press and hold on the episode in the list until a page of options appears, then click Save Episode.

You can also access this page of options from the Now Playing page by tapping the three dots in the lower right corner.


*If you've hit the subscribe button, when you open the Podcasts app later, new episodes will appear on the Listen Now page. You’ll see a new episode from us each Tuesday!

7. You can see all the shows you’ve subscribed to or downloaded episodes from on the Library page.


Oh we almost forgot!

If you do really like a podcast you are listening to we highly recommend giving it a quick rating or writing a review.

 We all know how important reviews are these days. 


congrats! Now you are officially podcast savvy! See that wasn't so hard was it?

Now you can listen to Podcasts to your hearts content! 

Speaking of Podcasts...

You can check this lovely one out by clicking on the image. Enjoy!