How To Trust Yourself With Your Time

Ever feel like something is holding you back from creating, making progress, and sharing your gifts? There’s a good chance that what’s holding you back is a lack of trust in yourself.

Today, I’m going to teach you how to finally move forward with those goals you have. We’ll go over 3 things you’re probably not doing if you feel like you can’t trust yourself with your time plus a few other tricks to help you get less frustrated with yourself.

The good news is that trusting yourself is a skill you can learn and keep refining. To keep it simple, trusting yourself is all about being more HONEST with yourself. The more open & honest you are with yourself the more you can rely on yourself to show up, to follow through, to keep moving forward.

When you can trust yourself with your time, it allows you to move forward!!

Soon you’ll be able to:

  • Make more progress on a creative project that fills you up

  • Make progress on a personal goal you’d love to work on

  • Set aside more time to consistently take better care of yourself

So let’s go over the 3 things you’re probably not doing & what you can do to start trusting yourself more with your time.

Ever feel like something is holding you back from creating, making progress, and sharing your gifts? There’s a good chance that what’s holding you back is a lack of trust in yourself. Today, Laura will teach you how to finally move forward with thos…

3 Things you’re probably not doing if you feel like you can’t trust yourself with your time

  1. Not deciding what you’re going to do ahead of time

  2. Not being specific enough

  3. Not making it a priority

Let’s dive into each one! If you’ve tried these in the past, that’s okay we’re going to chat about what you can do to make it work this time.

  1. Choose Ahead Of Time

This step is all about deciding what you’re going to do ahead of time and then DOING IT when the time comes.

This could look like:

  • Deciding to wake up early for a spiritual practice in the morning and then waking up early and starting your spiritual practice 

  • Deciding you’re going to work on a project during specific magic hours (those pockets of time that are just for you - when your kids are at school, during naptime etc) & then showing up to actually work on it during that time

If you’ve tried this in the past & you still don’t follow through (ex. put a reoccurring event on your calendar & then don’t do it) you just need to ask yourself the question “WHY?” three times.

Asking yourself that simple question WHY is what’s going to help you either have a mindset shift or change something physically. You’ll soon start to discover the real reason behind why you’re putting something off.

pro tip: Be mindful of what you put on your to do list or calendar! Only put down what you know you can get done and want to make happen. Be realistic & remember that less is more! It’s better to have a to-do list that’s completed by the end of the day instead of a long list where lots of things still aren’t crossed off.

2. Be Specific

Be super specific about what you’re going to do and when you’re going to do it. Think about the time & details like: what, when & how.

So many times what stops us from following through on doing something when we said we were going to is that we weren’t specific enough. We think being vague is helpful especially if things come up, but if you want to make the most progress you have to STOP being vague! Concrete ideas & actions steps are how you accomplish your goals & get closer to your dreams.

Think of a specific time and a specific action step you’re going to take. Again, be realistic & keep it simple! Take note of the time. Be honest with yourself on how long something actually takes you. If you’re not sure, just guess & then adjust for next time.

If you’ve tried to be specific and you’re still not following through, just as yourself “WHY?” three times!

This we’ll help you dive deeper into what’s holding you back & what you need to change.

Pro tip: Be sure to give yourself a little buffer time or breathing room so you don’t get frustrated when something takes longer than you thought or you run into tech problems or something out of your control.

3. Make It A Priority

If it’s important enough to you, you’ll find a way to make time for it…I promise!

If you’re not able to trust yourself with your time, you might want to check your priorities and see how important it really is to you.

If you’re still struggling to make something happen, then ask yourself WHY 3 times. 

You’ll soon discover why something is not a priority or what you can do to change that.

You can do this!

When it comes to trusting yourself with your time, it’s helpful to get rid of perfection if you can. When I remember that i’m trusting my imperfect self, it relieves some of the pressure.

Trusting yourself is just the practice of you returning to show up again and again.

If you didn’t follow through yesterday, ask yourself WHY and then try again the next day. Keep trying & I promise that over time you will be able to trust yourself more with your time. You’ll be able to move forward, follow through & make progress that you’re really proud of. I know you can do this! Keep at it.

If you ever need extra help, you can join this month’s class & we’ll give you personalized support just for you!


Ready to make more time for what you love?

Grab our FREE time management toolkit HERE that includes 4 great resources to get you started.

Listen to our conversation!

Click below or on apple podcasts & choose episode 157

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Episode #157 How To Trust Yourself With Your Time

Ever feel like something is holding you back from creating, making progress, and sharing your gifts? There’s a good chance that what’s holding you back is a lack of trust in yourself. 

In today’s episode, Laura will teach you how to finally move forward with those goals you have. You’ll learn:

  • 3 things you’re probably not doing if you feel like you can’t trust yourself with your time

  • How to get less frustrated when you don’t follow through on things 

  • How to relieve the pressure you put on yourself and trust your imperfect self

  • The simple trick to finding out why something’s not working

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