Ep. 110 Time Management For Moms

Feeling like you have less time than ever? We’re taking an entire month to talk all things time management to help you navigate life right now and feel less rushed and more calm and productive. In this first episode, we’re talking about: How you can…

Ep. 110 Time Management For Moms

Feeling like you have less time than ever? We’re taking an entire month to talk all things time management to help you navigate life right now and feel less rushed and more calm and productive.

In this first episode of our time management series we’re talking about:

  1. How you can find pockets of time in your week just for yourself

  2. How to make room in your schedule for intentional rest AND more creative work

  3. The grid system we use to map out our week in advance

  4. The 2 most important parts of learning to manage your time better

  5. A resource that can help you transform how you spend your time

If you could solve the time management issues in your life, how much would your life change? How would it feel to be proud and satisfied with how much you get done each day instead of beating yourself up for not doing better? Keep listening to The Progress Project Podcast this month and we’ll help you get there!

Check out our Time Management Guide to have all the information you need to help you make time for projects outside motherhood. It’s time to stop holding yourself back from all the wonderful creativity you have to contribute to the world!

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How To Find Time That’s Just For YOU (even with kids at home)

First off, we want to let you know that it IS possible to have plenty of intentional time with loved ones AND regular time to work on goals and projects AND guilt-free relaxation time.

No matter your current schedule or circumstances, we promise that you can find pockets of time in your week just for yourself!

You can use those pockets of time do get more creative work done and for the intentional rest you need to feel like your best self. It really is possible. We know because we’ve been learning how to do this and we’d love to share how.

How can you find time that’s just for you?

Here’s how:

  1. Find Your Magic Hours

    • Magic hours are those little pockets of time throughout the day or evening that are just for you. Those times when you are “off duty” as a mom.

    • Look at your week and be super honest about how you’re spending your time

      • Kristin uses a simple grid system that you can learn how to use in our Time Management Guide.

      • Could you be using those pockets of time differently?

  2. Decide How You Want To Use Your Magic Hours

    • Once you’ve looked at your week and found your magic hours, know you just need to decide how you’re going to use those hours. The trick is deciding ahead of time how you’ll use those hours rather than just taking them as they come (when we’ve done that, we always tended to waste that time)

Feeling like you have less time than ever? We’re taking an entire month to talk all things time management to help you navigate life right now and feel less rushed and more calm and productive. In this first episode, we’re talking about: The 2 most …

The 2 most important parts of learning to manage your time better

  1. Make decisions ahead of time about how you’ll spend that time that’s just for you.

    • In the past we would get to a time of the day where we’d have a little time for ourselves and then just end up wasting that time because we either didn’t know what to focus on or the task we had scheduled didn’t sound appealing anymore.

    • If you can make a decision at the beginning of the day or week then you’ll have less decision fatigue, more focus and be able to get what matters most done!

  2. Following through on what you said you’d do.

    • Okay, this sounds so simple, but if you actually do this you will see a huge difference. We promise!

    • It’s all about learning how to trust yourself. When you slowly can learn how to follow through on things, there won’t be anything that can stop you from making progress on what matters most to you!

Wish you had more time to do what you love?

Do you regularly feel rushed, stressed, and pulled in a thousand directions? Do you constantly feel like your schedule is packed with your kids’ activities and commitments you can’t even remember agreeing to? Do you wish you had even a little bit of time to devote to the things that make you feel like your best self?

In our Time Management Guide for Creative Moms, you’ll learn our strategies to make progress on your goals WHILE being a full-time, present mom. You’ll learn more about how to find pockets of time for just you, how to make the most of those limited hours, and the secrets to staying on top of the other things that truly matter to you.

Time Management Guide for Creative Moms
Quick View

We created this 80+ page time management guide to help you not only learn to feel more under control with everything you’re already doing, but find time to start or work on those creative projects that light you up!

Apply these strategies that our in our guide and you’ll start getting WAY more done than you ever imagined possible. You’ll start making progress towards your goals. You’ll find more fulfillment and joy in motherhood -- AND the other projects that matter so much to you.

These are the exact strategies Kristin has used over the last 4 years of motherhood to get full-time work done in part-time hours and grow two businesses while doing freelance work on the side (WITHOUT feeling stressed, overworked, or losing sleep). Click HERE to learn more.

Feeling like you have less time than ever? We’re taking an entire month to talk all things time management to help you navigate life right now and feel less rushed and more calm and productive. In this first episode, we’re talking about: How you can…
Feeling like you have less time than ever? We’re taking an entire month to talk all things time management to help you navigate life right now and feel less rushed and more calm and productive. In this first episode, we’re talking about: How you can…

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