Ep. 81 Using Self-Inquiry to Find Answers

Something that keeps coming up for us recently is the power we each have to determine the answers we need for ourselves. We often find ourselves looking outward for answers and advice. But we’ve found that the BEST way to change for real is through …

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Ep. 81 Using Self-Inquiry to Find Answers

Something that keeps coming up for us recently is the power we each have to determine the answers we need for ourselves. We often find ourselves looking outward for answers and advice. But we’ve found that the BEST way to change for real is through a process of self-inquiry -- asking ourselves really good questions and training ourselves to find answers.

In this episode, we’re talking about:

  • How to solve any problem, apply any concept to your life, or make progress on any project

  • Finding freedom from seeking opinions from others before making decisions

  • Choosing an energy of curiosity rather than frustration when finding answers

  • Translating others’ ideas to your specific situation

  • Taking ownership of your solutions and ideas -- and why that’s so powerful

  • 5 tips to avoid feeling overwhelmed when consuming information to solve a problem

How to Use Self-Inquiry

What does self-inquiry mean?

Self inquiry means asking yourself really good questions and training yourself to find answers

  • From your own mind, experience, wisdom, intuition (this requires confidence)

  • From God (this requires humility)

It helps you solve problems, apply concepts to your life, make progress on a project

  • Not settling for “I don’t know"

  • Seeing the way your own brain can work to find solutions

  • Having the freedom to not need endless opinions from others before making decisions and moving forward

It means no one has the answers for you but you

It doesn’t mean you shouldn’t consult other resources or ask for opinions and advice and help. It means you gather quality information and THEN actively step away to consult your own mind and heart and decide what you want to believe. 

*The best self-inquiry comes when you’ve trained yourself to think in a certain way and then ask valuable questions and know how to find the answers.

What does self-inquiry look like?

  • JOURNALING (writing out questions and answering them)

  • Audio journaling counts too!

It’s important to use the method that works best for you! Do you like to write out your thoughts? Or are you someone who likes to talk out their problems etc. It’s good to know how you best receive inspiration and answers.

9 Powerful Journaling Prompts to Reach Your Goals

  1. What would [insert person you admire] tell me about this?

  2. If I knew the answer, what would it be?

  3. What do I need to believe to accomplish this goal?

  4. What kind of energy could I approach this goal with?

  5. What would my future self tell me about what I’m trying to accomplish? (“How did we do that?”)

  6. What is the impossible thought keeping me from the result I want?

  7. What evidence is there that what I want is coming?

  8. If the perfect, ideal scenario were possible, what would that look like?

  9. If I believed it was possible, what actions would I be taking? What energy would I approach those actions with?

Links Mentioned In This Episode

What does self inquiry look like?
Don’t miss the 9 powerful journaling prompt ideas to get you started in your own process of self-inquiry & to help you reach your goals!

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