Ep. 86 Creating The Life You Want to Live

How to create the life you want to live! This podcast episode covers the two things we ALL want more of, how to do a quick inventory to make sure you are living (or on the path to) a life you truly desire, and how to create a big-picture vision for …

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Ep. 86 Creating The Life You Want to Live

Do you ever think about how incredible it is that we all have the same basic needs and desires -- and yet we each go about creating a life that fulfills those needs and desires in completely different ways? It’s so exciting to think about the reality that we can create ANY kind of life we want to live.

In today’s episode we chatted about:

  • The two things we ALL want more of

  • How to do a quick inventory to make sure you are living (or on the path to) a life you truly desire

  • Why big transitions in life are a great opportunity to re-evaluate things

  • How to create a big-picture vision for your life

  • An exercise with 3 questions to ask yourself to find out what you really want out of life

  • How we can find real contentment and joy NOW

Links Mentioned In This Episode

Recap of Episode

Do you ever think about the reality that we can create ANY kind of life we want to live?? In today’s podcast episode we’re talking about just that, along with a quick inventory to assess if you’re on the path to creating your ideal life. Click throu…

What do you really want your life to look like?

It can be so fun to think about what it might be like to have an entirely clean slate in your life.

What would it look like if you truly had to start over and choose everything all over again?

  • What relationships would I keep?

  • Where would I live?

  • What would I buy?

  • How would I spend my time?

  • What kind of work would I do?

Kristin said, “Years ago, some of the answers to those questions didn’t line up with the reality of my life. But today pretty much all of them DO match the life I’ve created. And I’m pretty proud of that!

One of my favorite aspects of personal growth is the principle that we truly can create ANY kind of life we want to live. That every single day, we are re-choosing what we keep in our lives, how we spend our time, and who we love. We have that freedom and that agency to create the life we want to live.”

What are you choosing today?

Taking Inventory Of Your Life

Try doing a quick inventory to make sure you are living the life you want to live OR are on the path to getting closer to that life.

This can be super helpful to do during a big transition you go through (school, work, moving, different kid stage, empty nesters etc)

Or if you’re right in the middle of a stage and want to make sure you are making the most of it and are doing the things that are leading you to where you want to be.

Here are some great questions to ask yourself to make sure you’re on the right track.

  1. How do I really want to spend my time and energy?

  2. How do I want to use my money?

    1. What for?

    2. How will spending or not spending my money allow me to do what I really want for me life?

  3. What do I want most out of my life?

    1. It’s fun to picture your life like a movie or great story

      1. What would be the highlights?

      2. What do you want to make sure you don’t leave out?

Things to look out for:

  • Thinking your circumstances dictate how you want to feel/experience your life

  • Waiting for a certain stage to be over before you start creating the life you want to live (once we’re done with...then we can…)

  • Being content with where you are at even though it’s not really what you want

How to create the life you want to live! This podcast episode covers the two things we ALL want more of, how to do a quick inventory to make sure you are living (or on the path to) a life you truly desire, and how to create a big-picture vision for …

What’s a Purpose Statement and Why Do You Need One?

A purpose statement helps you see HOW you will use your gifts and unique abilities to create the life you want to live.

  • This can be a document that reminds you of your nature & personality, your unique gifts, your most important roles, who you already are and the person you dream of becoming.

A purpose statement is just a simple statement that will help you set your goals and priorities so that you can align yourself on the path toward your ideal future self! It can be a simple list of the three most important things in your life or it could be a paragraph that focuses on what matters most in your life. You can make it however you’d like, it’s just important to have something that really speaks to you!

Having your own unique Purpose Statement helps you:

  1. Set and achieve THE RIGHT goals (both big and small)

  2. Easily remember what you’re doing with your life!

  3. And it allows you to stay grounded in your daily life and gives you confidence in who we are becoming (and who we already are)!

You can get started on your own purpose statement HERE.

Check out our Find Your Purpose Course where we help you create your own purpose statement and help guide you to create the life you really want to live.

If you liked this episode then you’ll really LOVE these ones!

Ep. 64 How to Trust Yourself

Ep. 50 What The Progress Project is All About

Ep. 25 How to Live a Better Story - with Emily and Erik Orton

Tired of trying to make change that doesn’t last?

Then it’s time to start YOUR Progress Project so you can trust yourself and start doing what matters most!

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It’s time to start your OWN progress project so you can:

  • learn the skills to trust yourself,

  • make lasting change

  • and do what matters most to you!

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