Ep. 85 Drama-Free Decision Making

How often do you struggle making a decision? We waste SO much time and mental energy either putting decisions off too long, worrying what to choose, or regretting what we’ve already chosen. How can we save this time and mental energy and make decisi…

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Ep. 85 Drama-Free Decision Making

How often do you struggle making a decision? We waste so much time and mental energy either putting decisions off too long, worrying what to choose, or regretting what we’ve already chosen. How can we save this time and mental energy and make decisions without all the drama?

We cover:

  • Practicing making decisions with low stakes

  • Considering whether a decision simplifies or complicates your life

  • Decision mindsets

  • How difficult decisions bring us into union with God

  • Why the actual decision itself might not matter as much as we think

Links Mentioned In This Episode

  • The Next Right Thing by Emily. P. Freeman - Amazing book on decision making!

    • “The decision is rarely the point. The point is becoming more fully yourself in the presence of God.” - Emily P. Freeman

  • Want access to our bonus episodes? Join our PATREON community & get our monthly BONUS EPISODES and more for just $3. Click HERE to get started!

Recap of Episode

If you’ve ever felt like you have way too much drama in your head when it comes to decision making, click through to learn how to stop wasting time and mental energy and make that decision already!

How to make decisions quickly!

Something I’ve been experimenting with lately is making decisions QUICKLY. I’m known to waffle back and forth on things and dramatically declare, “I JUST DON’T KNOW!” So I’ve been practicing quick decision making on things with low stakes.

The more I decide quickly on small things (like choosing something off a menu at a restaurant I’ve never been to) the easier it’s becoming to decide quickly on big things (like choosing which preschool to send my kids to).

Are you a quick decision maker or a waffler? 😆 How do you approach making big decisions?

  • Try practicing making little decisions quickly so that you can practice for more important decisions to come.

    • What are some little decisions you could try practicing?

      • Where to eat out?

      • What movie you’d like to watch

      • A small purchase

      • What to make for dinner

Best Question to Ask Yourself When Making a Decision

Will this decision complicate my life or make it easier?

Asking yourself this question can really help simplify thing in the long run and make it easier to decide ahead of time.

the art of quick decision making

Decision mindsets

  • I only need to do the next right thing.

  • You have the big picture vision — but you don’t need a 5-year plan

  • I don’t need ALL the information — I just need union with God

  • I trust myself to make the right choice. (Only I have ownership in this decision.)

  • Liking your reason why

  • When you make the “wrong decision” use it as a learning experience

    • What do you know now that you didn’t know before?

    • Stop wasting mental energy on waffling over past decisions (even if you can still change your mind) — it’s just not useful.

How to make BIG decisions!

  1. Live with it for a bit — not to delay but to explore

  2. How does it feel in your body?

  3. Start and see

Are you overly concerned with making the RIGHT decision?

Remember that the outcome of the decision is not the point

Hard decisions point us to God — “speed bump"

  • The point is to have companionship, union & more presence with God

  • God wants us to be FREE to make decisions

  • Loosening grip on outcomes — release those to God

Practicing decisions with trial & error

Question -> answer -> act -> evaluate -> what’s next?

drama free decision making

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