Ep. 84 Doing What Works For You

If you’ve ever felt like you’re the only one doing life your own way, make sure you check out this conversation about doing what works for YOU. Click through to our site for a recap of the episode!

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Ep. 84 Doing What Works For YOU

In today’s episode we’re talking about how we can step confidently into whatever we choose for our lives and do what works for US. Not what works for others or what we’re told is right, but what works specifically for us as individuals.

We cover:

  • Applying this concept to any/every area of life

  • Owning your strengths and what you’re good at

  • Being open to finding your unique path in areas you’re less confident in

  • How to get started finding what’s right for you

  • Finding the confidence to own it

Links Mentioned In This Episode

  • Tired of trying to make change that doesn’t last? Learn the skills to trust yourself and finally do what matters most to you by starting YOUR OWN Progress Project! Join our PATREON community & get personalized help during our monthly live mastermind calls, exclusive bonus episodes and mini courses! Click HERE to get started!

Recap of Episode

In today’s episode we’re talking about how we can step confidently into whatever we choose for our lives and do what works for US. Not what works for others or what we’re told is right, but what works specifically for us as individuals! Click throug…

Feel like your lacking in an area of your life?

Is there an area of your life that you don’t feel very confident or competent in?

Maybe you’re very competent in your job but parenting leaves you constantly asking if you’re doing it right. Or you might be a pro at running your household and being organized with systems, but feel like your spiritual practices and routines fall flat.

One thing we talked about in this episode was experimenting a little in that area you struggle with and having an energy of curiosity about it.

Fear shuts ideas down but curiosity opens up *possibility.*

Experiment enough with an open and curious attitude and you will for sure find answers and a way of being that feels authentic to you.

Once you get a taste of what might work for YOU, you can cultivate that little bit until it blossoms. With focused effort, you can find yourself in a place of confidence.

Pick an area you’d like to improve:

Which area would you like to stop struggling with?

  • Healthy eating/exercising

  • How you parent

  • How you create and work on your creative project

  • How you run your household/systems like meal planning, laundry

  • How you nurture your marriage/family life

  • How you run your business

  • Spiritual practice

  • Morning/evening routine

  • How you dress

  • Something else you struggle with

Once you pick an area then experiment, get rid of judgment from others and really explore what works for you! Feel YOUR needs instead of somebody else’s.

You will start finding more success in that area! Doing what works for you will help you follow through on things so you can always trust yourself and do what matters most!

Do what works for YOU!

Take some time to learn and practice what works for YOU…not what works for others or what we’re told is right, but what works specifically for you as an individual. Being confident about what whatever you choose for your life and what works for you will open up so many possibilities and help you live the life you want to!

Tired of trying to make change that doesn’t last?

Then it’s time to start YOUR Progress Project so you can trust yourself and start doing what matters most!

Join our PATREON community of other growth-oriented women and get personalized help during our monthly live mastermind calls, exclusive bonus episodes and mini courses. Start your progress project so you can learn the skills to trust yourself & do what matters most to you!

Want to really apply what you learn on the podcast & get one on one help? Then you’ll want to join our $10 Patreon supporters and get access to our monthly live training calls + our mini courses + bonus episodes and more! Click through to sign u…

Want to really apply what you learn on the podcast & get one on one help? Then you’ll want to join our $10 Patreon supporters and get access to our monthly live training calls + our mini courses + bonus episodes and more! Just click HERE to sign up and get all the good stuff!

Here's a list of what's currently in our vault for our $10 PATREON supporters

  • Developing True Confidence Mini Course | value: $49

  • Healthy Living Mini Course | value: $49

  • Becoming Your Best Self Mini Course | value: $49

  • Access to our monthly online training calls!

  • All 12 of our bonus episodes | value: $5 each

  • 5 detailed worksheets & guides | value: $9 each

  • 9 of our favorite printables

Get access to the vault where you’ll receive our monthly live training calls, mini courses, guides, bonus episodes and more! We want to make it the easiest, most exciting place to visit to work on your personal growth and improve any aspect of your …

The Vault is available totally free for our $10 supporters on Patreon. That's $252 of content just waiting for you to dive in. And every month, we're going to keep adding to it. All our mini courses will be there, our monthly bonus episodes, live training and Q&A calls, and anything else we create that we think you'll benefit from.

We want to make it the easiest, most exciting place to visit to work on your personal growth and improve any aspect of your life!

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