Ep. 97 Purpose-Oriented Goal Setting

We don’t often hear people talking about goal setting the way we use it, so today we’re talking specifically about PURPOSE-oriented goal setting. Click through to listen in or to read a recap of the episode!

Ep. 97 Purpose-Oriented Goal Setting

It’s the end of the year so of course we’ve got to talk about goal setting. We don’t often hear people talking about goal setting the way we use it, so today we’re talking specifically about purpose-oriented goal setting.

We chatted about:

  • How to prioritize what to work on

  • How Kristin used to have 8+ goals a year and why next year she’ll only have 1

  • Aligning your goals with your purpose statement

  • The self-defeating cycle to avoid in goal setting

  • How to blend a healthier mindset with your strategic goal

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We don’t often hear people talking about goal setting the way we use it, so today we’re talking specifically about PURPOSE-oriented goal setting. Click through to listen in or to read a recap of the episode!

Do you find goal setting overwhelming?

I have tried so many things over the last 5-6 years in my goal setting, trying to figure out what makes a goal stick, how many goals to make, and how to not be overwhelmed by my goals.

After all this time, the thing I’ve learned most about goal-setting is this: what matters more than the particular goals you set is whether or not they’re tied to your purpose statement.

We don’t often hear people talking about goal setting the way we use it, so today we’re talking specifically about PURPOSE-oriented goal setting. Click through to listen in or to read a recap of the episode!

What deserves my attention and focus??

I’ve found that I don’t have to have a goal for every area of my life. I can just choose 1-2 to give my full focus to.

Our focus and mental energy is limited--where do you want to focus yours? The more goals you have, the more your focus is diluted between those goals. Choosing ONE priority instantly and dramatically increases your chances of success.

This doesn’t mean you ignore the other areas of your life where you haven’t set goals, it just means that you’re very clear where your focus is (your time, energy, and attention).

I love the book called Essentialism! It’s such a great one that helps you really narrow down what’s most important to you in your life right now.

What’s working and what’s not?

Be real with yourself when you set your goals. Look at your life and ask yourself, what’s working and what’s not? There doesn’t need to have any drama about the areas that aren’t working! It’s just important to see things as they really are and look at what needs your focus.

Being optimistic vs realistic

Often we are over-optimistic when setting our goals. We think we can do more than we can and we overextend ourselves. This just leads to a self-defeating cycle: we lose momentum, we don’t achieve what we wanted, and then we feel like we can’t trust ourselves to do what we said we’d do.

You can avoid all of that by toning down your goals a bit from optimistic to realistic.

Strategy + mindset

Last, it’s important to acknowledge that strategy alone is not enough. We need to focus on our mindset too.

There’s your goal, and then there’s the way you’re thinking about your goal. Do you believe you can actually do it? What emotions come up when you start making this change?

Think about how you can manage those emotions and overcome obstacles ahead of time. This is often what’s missing from goal-setting and can make the difference in whether you are successful or not. Plus - it makes the journey so much more fulfilling.

We’re talking about goal setting! How to prioritize what to work on, the self-defeating cycle to avoid in goal setting, and how to blend a healthier mindset with your strategic goal. Click through to our site for a recap of the episode!

There’s so much more to goal-setting

We’ve just chatted about one part of goal setting, but there’s so much more!

  • The major difference it makes to track your goals

  • Creating new habits and breaking bad ones

  • Maintenance goals

  • Intentionally prioritizing which goals to focus on

  • Difference between long-term and short-term goals and how to use them differently

  • How to use goal check-ins

We cover all these things and more in our Find Your Purpose course.

Find Your Purpose Course (7).jpg

Links Mentioned In This Episode

  • Essentialism book- If you want to focus more on what matters most to you then you’ll LOVE this book!

  • Ep. 92 How To Write Your Purpose Statement

  • FIND YOUR PURPOSE COURSE: If you’re ready to start setting goals from a clear understanding of WHO you are and WHAT you really want, you’re ready for our Find Your Purpose course. It’s available to purchase JANUARY 3rd - JANUARY 9th.

    Get on the waiting list HERE.

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