Ep. 29 Slow and Simple Living with Ali Middleton
Today we’re chatting with Ali Middleton about living the slow and simple life.
We talked about:
How to choose a slower-paced schedule when everything seems to conspire to keep us busy
How to get back on track when things don’t feel peaceful at home (Ali has three specific suggestions!)
How we can cultivate creativity for our kids AND encourage them to have more independent play
Encouraging a culture of reading in our families
Finding time for yourself as a mom and how Ali creates time for herself on a daily and weekly basis
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here's a recap of what we talked about:
Ali had some wonderful recommendations on how to live a more slow and simple lifestyle!
Ali chooses to NOT have a packed schedule and it allows her and her family to have more creativity and freedom throughout the week.
Find out what your "busyness" threshold is for you and your family and pay attention to what works for your family.
The secret is saying NO to a lot of good things so you can say yes to the things that mattered most!
Ali's Family motto this year is "First Things First"
Photo taken by Jessica Haderlie
Ali lists three specific ways to get back on track when things don't feel peaceful at home!
1. Get outside-Fresh air and being out in nature
2. Sit down and start reading books together
3. Make your environment calming -Try having some nice music on in the background. Ali's family really likes listening to the French Cafe Pandora Station or Paul Cardall playlist.
Photo credit: Melese Miller -Lemonpeel Studios
It's hard for kids to be super creative when they only have 15 minutes to play in between sports/activities etc. Ali mentions that it's okay for kids to be bored and to allow them time to really be creative, which may take longer then 10 minutes. You can always give them ideas or options and of course you adapt it to your child needs and their age.
Ali is a big fan of open ended toys - meaning any toy that you can think of 3 or more things to do with it. Blocks are a great example of open ended toys! This allows your children to have more creativity and they're able to play with a single toy much longer.
Ali shares her families love for reading and how to encourage more reading by 1. Facing book covers out so kids are more likely to pick up the book. 2. Treat books with respect 3. Bring books to the table during lunch or snack time or even outside in the backyard or park. 4. Know that some children need to be doing some with their hands while they listen to a story and that's totally fine!
Ali shares how important it is for her to have "me time." She has a morning routine and has made it clear to her children that during that time they can be around her, go play in the playroom, grab a yogurt, but she can't talk while she does her scripture study, works out and mentally plan for the day.
She also shares how it's important to have a little free time during the week, even if you don't have a work appointment, to get a neighbor to help babysit for a little while or however that looks like for you so you can still have a little freedom as a mom to do whatever is you love to do. For Ali it sometimes includes a hike or trip to a bookstore.
You can find more of Ali and her slow and simple living ideas on instagram @alimiddleton
Ali Mentioned some awesome websites and books you might want to check out!!
Wild and Free podcast and Wild and Free instagram account
Everyday Reading Blog - Has great reading lists like 8 First Day of School Kindergarten Books or the 2018 Summer Reading Guide
Art workshop for Children by Barbara Rucci
Tinkerlab: A Hands-On Guide for Little Inventors by Rachelle Doorley
Other links mentioned in this episode:
Kristin's Favorite Thing: A supper yummy Banana Muffin recipe from The Faux Martha
Laura's Favorite Thing: A super cute and well illustrated children's book -If I built a house by Chris Van Dusen